Friday, February 18, 2011

API police for surveillance, monitoring and buzzzsting biohackers?

Other than a few plants illegal narcotics obvious, hadn't occurred to me that the genetics of what is growing in the garden of a person could become a police matter. Even more intriguing/trippy was the possibility of police that bees are back with using the APIs for monitoring and for the accurate identification of pollen. If that GM pollen is outside the law, the police may use the API to track a person's right to he or she lives in the House.

Crimes and clues has conducted a survey of U.S. police departments and forensic laboratories, FBI and U.S. Customs, also revealed that only 6% knew that pollen can be used as forensic tool. Apparently, I'm not the only one who knows no forensic Palynology (pollen forensics).

Thomas Thwaites, however, has put a great deal of thought into genetic engineering and the police of these genes. Thwaites has emphasised that the possibility of inserting genes into plants is now DIY available technology is recreation that the criminal. "Police genes suggests that, like other technologies, genetic engineering will also find work outside the law, with garden plants innocent-looking to be modified to produce drugs and pharmaceutical products without a license".

Can you imagine a future where bees London police conduct genetic surveillance officers conducting forensic analysis of pollen and their BEES buzzing with little help police track down offenders Back to the place of crime? Buzzzzsted. Pharming, surveillance, sampling, analysis and charge ... You may need to see to believe:

Project of Thwaites   was commissioned by the Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council as part of the project impact, with the Department of Homeland Security and Crime Science (DSCS) in London. DSCS is the first Department of universities worldwide dedicated specifically to reducing crime and other risks for the individual and national security. This is done through teaching, research, analysis of public policies and by dissemination of evidence-based information on crime reduction and enhancement of safety. "

Thwaites has an impressive diagram explaining how police and police API genes are proposed to work. It is set like this:

Pharming: big pharmaceutical companies have plant-made pharmaceutical. Even if you want to protect their intellectual property and genetic modification unlicensed investment from cultivation, their seeds, cuttings and genes can be found on the black market. As more amateurs get into it, "the GM plants can produce unwanted effects, or can be done with malicious intent. These problems are aggravated by the unintentional cross-pollination of GM plants with those grown in the nearby gardens and farm crops. "

Surveillance: The police response is to co-opt the natural behavior of the API to monitor the genetic patrimony of pollen in the area. Have established genetic surveillance Hives. BEES forage will be up to three miles from their hives, bringing back the pollen samples from farms and private gardens.

Sampling is done using a "trap pollen at the entrance to the hive of surveillance". A camera surveillance hive records internal APIs doing a swaying dance, "describing their hive mates where I collected the pollen.

Analysis: The pollen collected is analyzed at the forensic laboratory of pollen. "If the pollen is found to contain genes unlawful or unlicensed use of intellectual property, then the video dance sway tied to the sample is extracted and decoded."

Accusation: the dance of swaying reveals the distance and direction from the hive to the origin of pollen genetically. Further comment is taken and warrants to search for the properties are obtained.

Although the police in the United Kingdom is using forensics of pollen, the police of Thwaites API are currently an artistic project that seems almost believable. In the near future, could be a reality. We Make Money Not Art interviewed Thwaites, they learned that pollen can determine whether a person was in the Woods where it was found a corpse; the lack of pollen can also prove/disprove an alibi. Pollen can get on clothes, furniture, car-the amount of pollen can be applied neat to determine how many days ago a body has been moved.

I asked Thomas Thwaites: How do you feel about using APIs for monitoring and tracking biohackers?

Thwaites replied, "I like the mixture of old and new on it, a blending of traditional and futuristic views of nature ...Bees and beekeeping associations, with their traditionally used in this way very high technology.

Think of the police, as the Department of Homeland Security and crime science will use the project as an incentive to develop such a project?

Thwaites replied: "I don't think the Science Department for crime and security would be to use the project as the basis for a real-world system-biotechnology is not so widespread as to require the police genetics as yet, after all is a project of futures. However, there are an increasing number of police using animals/insects for many types of (some very strange!) of surveillance ".

"This job is not currently in the middle of a research project in our Department," confirmed the Department for security and crime science in an email.

The concept of using the API as small flying animal is pretty trippy, but who knows? The day may come when pollen forensic and police genes are more common. Provides for the application of the law by using APIs of police surveillance and to track pirated clone plants by big pharmaceutical companies?

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