Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Corsair outlines the transition plan to force series SSDs 25nm

Corsair today announced his plans for the upcoming transition from 34nm 25nm flash chip used on their solid state disks and offered some clarification of what the move means for customers. As we explained recently, the transition will allow manufacturers to cut costs and boost capacity at the end, with the drawback that SSDs built using 25nm NAND flash may require additional excess to ensure reliability and thus have less total usable storage space.

Purchasers of units of 25nm before OCZ learned that the hard way--and now are receiving replacements--but Corsair is more transparent about the change from the get-go as far as the capacity and performance implications. In particular, they will add A suffix to the models of all drives to adjust their brethren 25nm 34nm, while regular Corsair is also marketed capacity to ensure people know what they are getting. For example, the counterpart of 25nm 120 GB Corsair force game (with 34nm NAND) will be launched as a version 115 GB named F115-a.

In terms of performance, the SSDs 25nm will see a drop of about 3-4% according to data of internal tests of Corsair. While the game saw both read and write speed of 285 and 275 MB/s, respectively, the new unit post 280 and 270 MB/s.

Corsair adapts the pricing to pass some savings to consumers and therefore to bring the F115-an MSRP of $ 215, compared to $ 289 for the game of series of force, while the F80-will cost $ 169 instead of $ 199 version F80 34nm. The new drives 25nm 115 GB and 80 GB will be available by the end of February.

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