Saturday, February 26, 2011

Did Google app pull for in-app purchase violation?

It seems that the problems of in-app purchase are starting to influence Google too. Reports emerged Thursday that the company has removed an app on a violation of "rules".

(Credit: Google)

Earlier this week, Google sent one of his developers free app developers, Visual VoiceMail, had to be pulled from the Android market. The reason is that the app violated a developer agreement section which covers pricing and payments, according to a report on GigaOM Google.

While Google has not been clear about the exact violation, Jonathan Hollander of PhoneFusion, creators of Visual VoiceMail, believes that the problem is that the application does not use Google Checkout for in-app purchases. PhoneFusion is executed in-app purchases through its Web site.

Google Developer agreement says that "all fees received by developers for products distributed via the market must be processed by the payment processor market." In other words, developers should use Google Checkout.

"It seems that they're pulling an Apple, but only for us," said Hollander, GigaOM as saying. "There was no warning that they're going to apply this, which makes it worse for Apple. Even if you do not agree with Apple, have given until June to remove their applications. Here, there is no choice. "

Google has responded to GigaOM, but let me just say that delete applications that violate the terms of service.

New Apple subscription service drew the ire of the publishers of newspapers and magazines, when it was announced on 15 February.

Publishers don't like the fact that Apple is taking a cut of 30 per cent of revenue on customers that leads to publishers and that the company will not share customer information with them. Apple is giving consumers the ability to share information with publishers, instead of forcing the issue.

A few days after the service was announced at Apple, items FTC survey service began popping up, but a probe may have to be expanded if Google has found to do something similar.

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