Intellect has agreed with Government Ministers plans to hold a technology Summit to examine how it can play a role in the growth strategy of the United Kingdom.
Trade Association for the technology sector of the United Kingdom considers that it has an important role in guiding the country's productivity and economic growth.
John Higgins, Director General of intellect, said: "this is special pleading for more spending on ICT. Promoting investment in ICT that fails to generate additional benefits in terms of productivity throughout the economy, the long-term interest of the sector will not benefit.
"The focus should be on the scale of the use of ICT and the most efficient and effective use of ICT to innovation rather than simply the volume. It is vital for the country in bridging the productivity gap. "
The Technology Summit is an ad that comes out of a recent event hosted roundtable that intellect, assisted by the Corporate Secretary Vince cable and Vaizey and the Minister of communications.
Cable said: "the revision of growth not only focuses on emerging areas, but also those that are already strong, as the technology sector.
"Promote these sectors and working to remove barriers to growth we can make sure that we create the conditions for a future economic prosperity."
Representatives of the sector, who have also participated in the roundtable included Olivia Garfield, Director of strategy, policy and portfolio to BT, Stephen Leonard, CEO of IBM UK, Andy Green, CEO of Logica and Victor Chavez, CEO of Thales.
Now intellect will review technology drives innovation and helps to increase productivity, Technology Summit, which is scheduled for this year. Issues such as skills, training and education, computer security and finance for the sector will be examined at the Summit.
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