Look, there, up in the air: it's a bird, it's a plane, it's good, it's me on an airplane. Yes, this installment comes to you from high above the State of Michigan--this is now the State of technology. But I think the "most amazing it will be when the MacBook have 3 G, iOS apps have subscriptions and AT&T admits that the Verizon iPhone is a good thing. In fact, if the remains for Tuesday, February 15, 2011 are any indication, you couldn't wait very long at all.
Apple customer survey sparks hope for brawnier MacBook Airs with built-in 3 G(AppleInsider)
As they say in Latin: surveyo, veritas. Well, maybe it's a bit loud "truth". A recent customer survey--which Apple occasionally runs on his site--asking a series of questions relating to the MacBook and 3 G data connections are presumed. A prodigy of things to come? Please refer to the previous survey of Apple, which bring customers the important question: "what would you do for a Klondike bar?"
June 30 Deadline for subscriptions to Apple(All things D)
No doubt you've already heard of the new subscription plan from Apple, but the company was Matera on exactly when all this magic Subscriber will take place. However, according to an alleged leaked memo, Apple wants publishers on board by 30 June 2011. What happens after that? All I can tell you is that it brings new meaning to "publish or perish".
iBook 1.2.1 finds some Jailbreaks, disable iBookstore purchases in response(Mac Rumors)
Apparently, jailbreaking your iPhone will lose, provides access to all e-Book that you bought from the iBookstore. Holy cow! As you will never find a way aroun--never mind.
At&T CEO says industry earnings lost IPhone Hold(BusinessWeek)
Brace yourself: AT&T CEO "Macho Man" Randall Stephenson said in an interview that Verizon iPhone will help the industry. Whaaaaaaaaaa? According to Stephenson, that is why the launch promotion is free for the iPhone. Sooooo, good for AT&T, right? That sounds more like Randall Stephenson we know.
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