Sunday, February 27, 2011

Zambia pushes for connected future

The Internet has opened up worldwide communication for Zambian people

Africa may not be the first place you think of when talking about the digital revolution, but many Zambian villages are trying to change this.

The village of Macha is a long way from anywhere, the nearest town is almost 50 miles away.

But for the last few years it has nourished a dream surprising-pioneer internet penetration to 80% of Zambia that doesn't live in the city.

And this is good news for Fred Mweetwa, Zambia as who has lived and worked in his family's farm, since he was born.

One of his cattle was sick and the vet was hundreds of miles away. While the village had a mobile signal for a couple of years, there is now another way.

"With Skype I just contacted [a vet]."He was able to respond within a few minutes and I was able to give my animal medication right, says.

"After seeing that it is feasible, even with other farmers now we are hoping to organize a group that will be connected to Skype and veterinary offices in [City room] Mazabuka."

And last year, Mr Mweetwa had the local radio station back up and running-giving locals local listening to something.

Technology showcase

It is an opportunity to preserve African culture. Local bands use the studios to record songs which are then uploaded to the Web to share.

So how did Macha become technology showcase of Zambia?

A Christian mission sets a long ago provided support. Followed a malaria research centre and in 2003 was installed a satellite data connection.

But what made the difference is the way that the link was shared-showing ordinary internet as Zambia can help them.

The signal is bounced to the Hospital where the requirements can now be ordered online, schools have to study and so does the College of nursing education.

With new treatments and practices of development each year, the internet is a much more useful than the library.

Satellite internet access is more expensive than many other methods

And not only institutions that are connected. The water tower is the highest point of the village and is used to send a signal through wifi hotspots and then connected up to create a network.

There is wifi in the restaurant, now through many homes and at the cybercafé.

A teacher training Institute to focus on computer science and children from four years are given lessons-from scratch.

But there's another lesson taught-that nothing in life is free. When they leave the generous donors, this village wants to be able to pay for itself.

«Successful project»

Six months ago began a voucher system. While some have stopped recording at all, those who have seen the benefits to pay $ 30 (£ 19) a month or buy scratch cards for about $ 2 (£ 1.30) per hour. Everyone needs a voucher-the training college.

The satellite connection 500 KB costs $ 1,000 (£ 648) a month to run.

And it wasn't without its technical defects-the net had to be reconfigured so that the system could be manned. But one expert believes charging is crucial for success.

"Perhaps the most successful project came to me during my research in recent years," says Ugo Vallauri, Computer Aid International.

"Everywhere I have visited throughout Africa, I noticed that the time was running out of donor funding at the base of most of these projects, projects would be dead the following day.

Fred Mweetwa can now use Skype to contact people who he needs to speak with

"It is simply impossible to come up to these high costs for a single Community unless, as is happening here in Macha, things are introduced in a slow but steady-little by little that the costs are shared throughout the community."

And since the arrival of the internet, things are certainly different.

By the way, the village makes bricks-a crop plant Jatropha biofuel-what is hoped will diesel generators to power the places with no electricity, the arrival of technology has brought significant changes.

The city is moving even a Bank of Zambia. When these cashier stations open will save teachers a 100 mile round trip to collect their wages.

But this unique experiment can be used to connect other peripheral villages? Those who do not start the head that did Macha.

Solar-powered Internet

About 50 minutes by car, in vast areas of farmland and Woods, lies Chikanta.

While there is food and clean water, there is no electricity, radio station or newspaper, and if you want to make a call would need to walk a mile to the nearest Hill to get a weak signal.

Six months ago, British charity aid of computers installed first solar internet hub of Zambia.

The panels on the roof within PC power feeds. To reduce energy consumption, a further 10 screens in the hub are virtual desktop-sharing the computing power of the PC and connection of 128 kbps Saturday.

Radio brought the technology along with the traditions of African music

Is proving popular with the locals who use it to study and to catch up with their favorite football teams.

Head of area of Cape Chikanta believes that has transformed his village.

"We were able to reach the world, outside of Chikanta, also outside the district outside of Zambia," she says.

"Since the internet came we can now connect to anywhere in the world and in Zambia through these machines here.

"We have our own teachers who are now able to communicate with agricultural officers. Government officers who are working here will report directly to the headquarters of the district that we couldn't do before.

"Every head in Zambia wants this."

The boss wants a network to cover the local clinic, schools and shops and while access is still free, it's all smiles.

But at some point, users will have to pay for the $ 800 (£ 518) a satellite link of the month. It's almost three cows-the same as the dowry that a husband pays to his wife on the day of their marriage.

It is desirable that the blueprint Macha was already withdrawn to seven villages will help to connect several hundreds.

But if this will work for the rest of the country will depend on whether ordinary Zambia thinks that the web is worth it.

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