It seems that all these rumors about a MacBook Pro Update coming Thursday instead in early March are true. The online version of the Apple Store was down this morning and, just in time before the big reveal, a photo is leaked online showing the specifications for the new 15-inch MacBook Pro updated.
The French site by Mac4Ever (translated link) posted a photo, it maintains that it is the product of the new box 15-inch MacBook Pro shows new specifications of laptop alleged. The latest MacBook Pro reported will include a 2 Ghz processor quad core Intel core i7, 4 GB of DDR3 RAM, a 500 GB optical drive, screen resolution of 1 440-by-900, two USB slots, slot for card SDXC, a FireWire 800 port, a 8 x Super Drive, camera HD FaceTime and a graphics card AMD Radeon HD 6490M with 256 MB of VRAM. The computer weighs 5.6 pounds, according to the screenshot. It is not clear what are the specifications for the MacBook Pro 13 and 17 inches.
The box also mentions something called a Thunderbolt, which is said to be using the technology of high-speed peak light of rival Intel that presumably will be USB. The box says this port is compatible with devices and also serves as a backup Mini-display port, rumors that appeared online on Wednesday.
Missing presumed spec is no mention of this previously says hybrid SSD-optical storage system. Under this scheme, the operating system OS X sit on SSD for faster startup times while storing files would be managed by large optical drive.
It is not clear when Apple will open again his online store, but if you wait to unveil refreshed MacBook Pro, you may need to wait until later today. Intel is hosting a press event on Thursday at 10 a.m. Pacific time to San Francisco to launch its light peak technology that is presumably used in technology of Thunderbolt, the new MacBook Pro.
Only a few hours until we know for sure.
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