According to unnamed sources cited by all things digital, Apple will unveil its second generation iPad at a media event on Wednesday, March 2. That is next week, so that if the report is accurate you can expect Apple to confirm the meeting and issue invitations soon. As usual, Cupertino has been quiet about the new device, but the rumor mill has evoked by a handful of possible technical specifications.
According to titles of Concord, iPad 2 display is 30-35% thinner with a better quality anti-glare, but has the same resolution. Because of reduced thickness of the screen and other evolutionary improvements, you can expect the device to be thinner and lighter. Analysts expect even rear and front camera, which will be accompanied by Apple software FaceTime video called.
A mockup of iPad 2Inside, the new iPad is believed to bring a faster processor and graphics core, RAM, as well as Qualcomm chip multimode WWAN support for GSM and CDMA networks. Overall, the second generation iPad shouldn't be a radical leap forward, instead of bringing a minor update is similar to the iPhone 3GS. However, should be able to hold its own against the competition in the short term.
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