Friday, February 18, 2011

Portal 2 pre-orders open with discounts and surcharges

Portal 2 pre-orders have launched the steam, Amazon and GameStop. Of course, steam only offers the PC version, while eager fans can purchase the title for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 elsewhere. To pre-order, you'll save $ 5 on full retail price of $ 49.99 or $ 59.99 plus receive bonus goodies depending on where to order.

Together with a discount of 10%, steam provides customers of pre-launch a free copy of the original portal (you can give the game to a friend if you already have it). Instead of the free copy of portal, GameStop shoppers receive exclusive custom skins for the bot co-op Atlas and P-body. Meanwhile, Amazon is offering simply $ 5 in store credit.

Portal 2 is slated for a North American debut on April 18th, while the Australians and Europeans will have to wait until April 21 and 22. In case you missed the news, the valve and Sony have teamed up to implement multi-platform multiplayer game on PlayStation 3 and PC, PS3 users will receive a free copy of SteamPlay to play on PC and Mac.

Valve believes that Portal 2 is the best game ever developed, and has several new features, including a story co-op, polished graphics, as well as new puzzle elements and characters. The sequel is three hundred years after the original but features the same main character, Chell and the same dark-assecondarono to your computer system, GLaDOS.

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