Sunday, February 27, 2011

Life after death goes online

December 3, 2010 Last updated at 15: 39 GMT by Dave Lee, BBC World Service the machine Timecard save a Flickr account to keep safe for many years, that the death of a close relative, the elderly often can mean a gloomy weekend or two going through old things, sorting through photos, donating old clothes to charity.

But in an age when so much of our lives online, little thought was given to how to handle digital world of a person when they are no longer with us.

By the time that the "generation Facebook" become old and grey, throughout their lives can be poured with a million updates on Twitter, thousands of photos on Flickr, hours and hours of videos on YouTube and maybe your website too.

As a person dies, their online presence should terminate too? What happens to personal information in all this?

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the main story In the past we might have worried about love letters coming through those physical and when you're going through things of your grandfather and be upset by it. "
End quote Abigail Sellen Microsoft Research Richard banks believes he may have the solution. He is an interaction designer for Microsoft and his team, based in Cambridge, worked on the concept of digital memories-and how, even if a person is no longer with us, their digital car can still be enjoyed.

He told BBC Radio 4 's all in the mind as the death of his grandfather, a few years ago I was thinking about the future of mourning.

"After his death, became the recipient of a suitcase full of photos of his life.

"Inside there was about 200 shots of different periods of his life, all the old analog photos, printed, stored away in envelopes.

"Got me thinking about what would be the difference, now with my photographic practices and the type of things that I could leave for my children."

He created several devices that run independently from any computer or other internet device acts as a traditional box of images and memories.

Rather than physical photos, however, displays the images of this device via an interactive touchscreen.

"If you touch one of those photos at any time, so I am taken to a timeline," explained Mr Banks.

"What is then a whole series of photos spread over time.

"Suddenly is a way of thinking we can begin to exploit the digital quality of some of these content, so that we can begin to make the objects that represent perhaps the life of a person, or perhaps give a sense of their evolution over time, or where they spent time at different points in their lives."

Mr banks hopes that its devices would mean digital memories would be far outlive the technology that were created on-as the old photographs in case of his grandfather.

The cloud

This task is made easier by our increasing dependence on "the cloud" for hosting our information-instead of physical storage such as floppy disks, hard drives.

The boxes are designed to function independently, so don't rely on keeping some hardware

"I think we tend to think of the physical limitations of digital things through objects like floppy disks, DVDs and CDs that we have stored our content on.

"I believe that some of these physical limitations are going to go away as we begin to store more and more content online. We'll put them in places and they will pretty much just stay there ".

This, however, is another matter. There are simply too much data? If these systems Save every utterance, the suitcase of 200 valuable images could become suddenly a huge collection of useless data.

"I think that sense of overwhelming numbers and quantity of content is more difficult to manage," says Mr. Banks.

"I think there are ways to tackle that computationally-always a sense of when the photos were taken or that might be the photo and those kinds of things."

Secrets beyond the Tomb

Our online personas can offer a look Back at life people Candido of giving glimpses into the personality and friendships. But with it comes a risk sharing too.

Abigail Sellen is also part of the team working on the project. She says that we can, while we're still alive, we must consider what might be left behind when we pass away.

"A lot of those materials can be quite sensitive or personal information.

Continue reading the main story exploring the limits and potential of the human is broadcast on mindIt Tuesday to 2100GMT and repeated on Wednesday 1630GMT to "So if you leave all that behind someone who interests you, is that the person will be comfortable going through them all?"

MS Sellen says that finding secrets left behind from a deceased relative is nothing new, but it could be interpreted in the archives of e-mail and other information.

"In the past we might have worried about love letters coming through those physical and when you're going through things of your grandfather and be upset by it.

"At least in this case, you know that they have kept them for a reason, and maybe it was important to them."

In future, it might be that how we write our will and perhaps even burn our secret letters, we may have to also spend time cleaning our lives online, ready to be put on display in those closest to us.

The world after Wikileaks

December 16, 2010 Last updated at 11: 46 GMT Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has caused protests by the Governments of the world, things will be different after Wikileaks, but not in ways that we could wait, says regular commentator Bill Thompson.

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange might not be Time Magazine Person of the Year for 2010-the distinction went to Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg-but certainly managed to dominate the global conversation the past few weeks.

You feel the reverberations of Wikileaks publishes many documents confidential and secret for many years and he has attracted a large band of supporters, but support for Assange is as much about your personal situation as it is an expression of support for what Wikileaks or proposing to do.

To properly understand the philosophy that underpins its activities or its long-term objectives, people should read interesting analysis by Aaron Bady Assange's policy, as posted on the blog zunguzungu.

Bady uses a narrow reading of an essay by Assange status and terrorist conspiracies that Assange sees modern governance as a conspiracy than those with the power that goes against the interests and wishes of the governed and that Wikileaks exists in order to weaken the ability of Governments to communicate secretly and decrease the power of authoritarian States.

By doing this, he believes, will be opening force and lead to more progressive forms of Government-or, at least, less repressive ones.

Also, inevitably, will lead to a response from the targeted institutions and in recent weeks we have seen what happens when a State feels threatened.

Although it is neither pleasant surprise: Governments, like other complex systems, will act to preserve themselves and try to hurt or neutralize the opposition, and nothing to the United States or other Governments have done so far is exceptional.

NET conflict

In a statement made to his mother, from his prison cell, Assange said "we now know that the Visa, Mastercard, PayPal and others are tools of u.s. foreign policy," referring to the way in which these large companies had decided not to provide the service of Wikileaks.

But anyone who has observed the growth of the internet might have been surprised by this.

Jack Goldsmith and Tim Wu wrote about this back in 2006 in their excellent book that rules the Internet, where they stressed that the Government will always go after gatekeeper and choke points in their attempt to regulate the online activities.

In that same year, Visa and Mastercard refused to pass the funds to the .com site allofmp3 download music, even if the site has been legal in Russia, but attracted little attention because it was cheap and not music freedom of expression.

Now we face a different type of conflict, and seems to be that shape the political landscape in the years to come.

The ending of the movie Ghostbusters heroes eponymous founders are obliged to defy God Gozer, but before he looks that are said to be "choose the shape of your destructor."

Gozer, they realize, will result in any form monstrous imagine and Venkman tells others don't display anything. Unfortunately, it's too late-Ray has already thought of "but which could, something that would never hurt me"-to the point that a giant Stay Puft Marshmallow man appears and proceeds to destroy New York City.

Something similar is behind the emergence of Wikileaks. Over the past two decades we have built the internet and the web and completed a process of digitization that has transformed most of the world's operational data in electronic form, from banking to love letters to diplomatic cables.

Status quo

We called away at the age of the network and still practiced in our daily lives as though nothing has really changed.

As a result we made this moment inevitable, even if it was impossible to predict the shape that would take our "destructor".

Wikileaks will inaugurate a new era of control, Bill Thompson wonders

Now it is materialized as a stateless person, formless "new media non-profit international organization that publishes observations of documents otherwise available from anonymous sources and leaks," as Wikipedia describes it.

This organisation is under threat from the outside by some of the world's most powerful States, whose action capacity is enormous. It is also challenged from within, as internal mail and documents, made available online on the website reveal the Cryptome.

But what really matters is that the disruptive power of the internet has been conclusively demonstrated, and the old order has been caused to respond.

This is the Napster of democracy, where the forms of Government that have evolved over 200 years of industrial society eager to demonstrate network, just as the business models of the recording industry were swept away by the ease with which the internet could make perfect digital copies of music file compressed.

Napster was castrated by court action in the United States, but his failure inspired-to-peer services that were much more difficult to control. Sharing of music, now is unstoppable and Wikileaks and organisations that come after will ensure that the same is true of secrets.

Of course we must never underestimate the power of the State, to reinvent itself, as well as modern capitalism and constitutional monarchy seem able to do.

Wikileaks has exposed weaknesses in the way their internal flow of information control of Governments and organizations dedicated to transparency and disclosure will observe the tactics used to shut it down and adapt accordingly. But the State may learn too and have the resources to implement what you learn.

I fear that Wikileaks is likely to usher in an era of more effective control as is to sweep away the authoritarian regimes that opposes Julian Assange.

He can look at a day when the conspiratorial power state has declined, but I think we are more likely to see new forms of governance emerge that take advantage of the features of the network age to ensure that their power is intact.

Bill Thompson is an independent journalist and regular commentator on the BBC World Service Digital Planet. Is currently working with the BBC on its draft archive.

YouTube movie in the works

December 15, 2010 Last updated at 09: 46 GMT from Dave Lee BBC World Service is a paratrooper longipes bare hurtles towards Earth in one of the clips submitted to Life In A Day-a film made by thousands of YouTube users, many of us would be hard to remember what they were doing on the 24th July this year.

But for many YouTube fanatics, amateur films and filmmakers or just those curious a unique experiment of movies, that day was the ability to produce a small part of film history.

Kevin Macdonald, Scottish filmmaker famous for the last King of Scotland and Touching the Void, invited the vast YouTube community to spend a few moments to shooting their day.

Their clips were then collected and are being edited together by a team based in Soho, London.

Approximately 5,000 hours of footage-80,000 individual clips-have been sculpted in an hour and a half of film due to be awarded at the Sundance Film Festival in January.

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the main story it has not been done before, and of course can happen only because of new technology. "
End quote Kevin Macdonald Director if that sounds like a monumental task, which is why is Joe Walker, editor of the film, narrated Snezana Mali Losinj-apartments-rooms-accommodation-vaccation-Croatia-Travel-Curcic of BBC Digital planet the tiresome process.

"In the schedule time that we had, which was basically just a few months from beginning to end, no one could see all of that material.

"So the best thing we can do an Office was set up with 24 researchers. Each of them was very clever, a Director or someone with some behind-the-scenes documentary or fiction ".

The team sifted through the vast amount of video, currency up to approximately 200 hours of the best comments.

Although most clips should be left on the cutting room floor, all submissions will remain on YouTube in their life in the portal of a day.

' Extraordinary ' Material

The film, which is yet to be amended by Macdonald and his team, is trying to be a "one day on Earth".

Mr Macdonald I keep saying that it's like the story of a person, "she says.

"It's just that every time you cut a person's soul that goes with you, but the body remains behind. It almost is telling the story of the world as a person, but a person who keeps mutant form. "

Before the project began, Mr. Macdonald realized that, while it would have been easy getting floods of rich content, tech-savvy youth of the Western world, for the film truly represent the world to achieve enabled less community.

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"Life In a day to be truly representative we felt that we had to then do something about it. We went and bought 400 more cameras.

"Then we sent those cameras to parts of Africa, Asia, Latin America-they were distributed to people in remote parts of the world enough.

"As part of the material is really extraordinary for this reason".

Despite all the clips will probably not have any relationship to each other-except the day of filming-Mr Macdonald has made some attempt to tie them all up as evenly as possible.

"It was a full moon that day.

"So, with the first opening sequence with the Moon in different countries-Malawi, South Africa, Australia.

"So we established, right at the beginning, the idea that this is about the world at the same time. I do not believe that someone has made a film like this. It has not been done before, and of course can happen only because of new technology.

The dark side

These obstacles technology granted extensive headaches Mr Walker, who has been involved with over 60 different frame rate-the speed at which you shot a clip-making the entire production appear seamless.

He says that the film is about much more than just the typical casual YouTube clip.

Continue reading the main story that Digital Planet is the weekly program broadcast by the BBC World technology ServiceIt is broadcast on Tuesday 1232GMT to and 1632GMT repeated, 2032GMT and Wednesday 0032GMT to "this project has given us the opportunity to look a little deeper.

"There's a dark side, as well as the history, we have some very disturbing material that came from the Love Parade in Germany, for example, where the fact that there were so many kids with cell phones and Flipcams means that we had seen a YouTuber of a terrible tragedy taking place step-by-step."

More than 500 people were injured and 20 people were killed during a stampede at the dance festival of the city of Duisburg.

"There are some really shocking clips," adds Mr. Macdonald.

"May, for five minutes, 10 minutes, at the head of someone who has a unique view of how things function. Also there are some clips where you think this person needs help, not a camera. "

Yet, despite some strong, emotional scenes, Mr Macdonald believes that life looking one day will be an uplifting experience.

"It is an optimistic film. Is a film about how it is wonderful to be alive ".

IPTV: The Group Test

HomeReviewsTVMedia CentresIPTV: the Group TestPosted by Hannah Bouckley on Fri, February 25, 2011

Tired of mediocre TV offers? You want to watch exactly what you want, when you want? Accessible via the internet through Wi-Fi or ethernet, the increasing range of TV "iptv" web services available means that you can now watch catch up TV, movies on demand and only, often specialised content whenever you want for free or a small fee. Isn't just TV, with applications to games, news, RSS feeds and social networking quickly the television becomes more of an entertainment hub, tailored to your needs. Access points are a range of IPTV. Here, we're testing four different types: built-in, dedicated, hard disk, Apple TV, and streamer that is like the others, but, you know, Apple-y.

Apple TV
£ 101
Love: compact dimensions. User-friendly interface
I hate: film only on iTunes, some buffering issues
Apple TV review links: Apple

Sony Internet TV
£ 1200 (For 40-inch Bravia KDL-40LX903
Love: intuitive interface. iPlayer app and Qriocity/Lovefilm streaming
I hate: slow Interface. This particular TV isn't the best way to get the service
Sony Internet TV review links: Sony

WD TV Live Hub
£ 160
Love: Easy installation. Large hard drive. Generally excellent video quality and smooth streaming
I hate: limited as an IPTV/VOD device. Wi-Fi requires an adapter
WD TV Live Hub review Link: Western Digital

D-Link Boxee box
£ 190
Love: good choice of applications. Easy to use
I hate: Cumbersome to navigate for some content. Movies free and paid all together
D-Link Boxee box review Link: D-Link

Zambia pushes for connected future

The Internet has opened up worldwide communication for Zambian people

Africa may not be the first place you think of when talking about the digital revolution, but many Zambian villages are trying to change this.

The village of Macha is a long way from anywhere, the nearest town is almost 50 miles away.

But for the last few years it has nourished a dream surprising-pioneer internet penetration to 80% of Zambia that doesn't live in the city.

And this is good news for Fred Mweetwa, Zambia as who has lived and worked in his family's farm, since he was born.

One of his cattle was sick and the vet was hundreds of miles away. While the village had a mobile signal for a couple of years, there is now another way.

"With Skype I just contacted [a vet]."He was able to respond within a few minutes and I was able to give my animal medication right, says.

"After seeing that it is feasible, even with other farmers now we are hoping to organize a group that will be connected to Skype and veterinary offices in [City room] Mazabuka."

And last year, Mr Mweetwa had the local radio station back up and running-giving locals local listening to something.

Technology showcase

It is an opportunity to preserve African culture. Local bands use the studios to record songs which are then uploaded to the Web to share.

So how did Macha become technology showcase of Zambia?

A Christian mission sets a long ago provided support. Followed a malaria research centre and in 2003 was installed a satellite data connection.

But what made the difference is the way that the link was shared-showing ordinary internet as Zambia can help them.

The signal is bounced to the Hospital where the requirements can now be ordered online, schools have to study and so does the College of nursing education.

With new treatments and practices of development each year, the internet is a much more useful than the library.

Satellite internet access is more expensive than many other methods

And not only institutions that are connected. The water tower is the highest point of the village and is used to send a signal through wifi hotspots and then connected up to create a network.

There is wifi in the restaurant, now through many homes and at the cybercafé.

A teacher training Institute to focus on computer science and children from four years are given lessons-from scratch.

But there's another lesson taught-that nothing in life is free. When they leave the generous donors, this village wants to be able to pay for itself.

«Successful project»

Six months ago began a voucher system. While some have stopped recording at all, those who have seen the benefits to pay $ 30 (£ 19) a month or buy scratch cards for about $ 2 (£ 1.30) per hour. Everyone needs a voucher-the training college.

The satellite connection 500 KB costs $ 1,000 (£ 648) a month to run.

And it wasn't without its technical defects-the net had to be reconfigured so that the system could be manned. But one expert believes charging is crucial for success.

"Perhaps the most successful project came to me during my research in recent years," says Ugo Vallauri, Computer Aid International.

"Everywhere I have visited throughout Africa, I noticed that the time was running out of donor funding at the base of most of these projects, projects would be dead the following day.

Fred Mweetwa can now use Skype to contact people who he needs to speak with

"It is simply impossible to come up to these high costs for a single Community unless, as is happening here in Macha, things are introduced in a slow but steady-little by little that the costs are shared throughout the community."

And since the arrival of the internet, things are certainly different.

By the way, the village makes bricks-a crop plant Jatropha biofuel-what is hoped will diesel generators to power the places with no electricity, the arrival of technology has brought significant changes.

The city is moving even a Bank of Zambia. When these cashier stations open will save teachers a 100 mile round trip to collect their wages.

But this unique experiment can be used to connect other peripheral villages? Those who do not start the head that did Macha.

Solar-powered Internet

About 50 minutes by car, in vast areas of farmland and Woods, lies Chikanta.

While there is food and clean water, there is no electricity, radio station or newspaper, and if you want to make a call would need to walk a mile to the nearest Hill to get a weak signal.

Six months ago, British charity aid of computers installed first solar internet hub of Zambia.

The panels on the roof within PC power feeds. To reduce energy consumption, a further 10 screens in the hub are virtual desktop-sharing the computing power of the PC and connection of 128 kbps Saturday.

Radio brought the technology along with the traditions of African music

Is proving popular with the locals who use it to study and to catch up with their favorite football teams.

Head of area of Cape Chikanta believes that has transformed his village.

"We were able to reach the world, outside of Chikanta, also outside the district outside of Zambia," she says.

"Since the internet came we can now connect to anywhere in the world and in Zambia through these machines here.

"We have our own teachers who are now able to communicate with agricultural officers. Government officers who are working here will report directly to the headquarters of the district that we couldn't do before.

"Every head in Zambia wants this."

The boss wants a network to cover the local clinic, schools and shops and while access is still free, it's all smiles.

But at some point, users will have to pay for the $ 800 (£ 518) a satellite link of the month. It's almost three cows-the same as the dowry that a husband pays to his wife on the day of their marriage.

It is desirable that the blueprint Macha was already withdrawn to seven villages will help to connect several hundreds.

But if this will work for the rest of the country will depend on whether ordinary Zambia thinks that the web is worth it.

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Apple iPad launch live 2

HomeNewsApple IPad 2 launch live CoveragePosted from Chris Smith on Fri, February 25, 2011

Date of launch of Apple's iPad 2 is imminent. Follow our Liveblog from event in San Francisco on Wednesday.

The countdown to the second iteration of epochal tablet PC Apple is almost finished. When the clock strikes 8 pm in the United Kingdom on Wednesday iPad 2 will be revealed to the world at a media event in San Francisco.

Once the 2 March press invite (pictured) landed in our inbox this week, the endless speculation and rumor-mongering turned to excitement and we can't wait to hear what Apple has in store for the legions of aspiring iPad 2 owners out there.

Will the camera FaceTime? A sleeker design? Retina the iPhone's screen? Faster processors and better graphics chips? Or will a new version-and-improved handling of iOS? All these questions will be answered on Wednesday.

We'll be liveblogging media unveiling of San Francisco, and we'll be in the hands of a specially organized media event in London to be among the first to get our hands on the new device that Apple hopes will bring the new wave of tablets rival firmly in their place.

We'll also be updating this page throughout the build-up to the event to bring you all the hottest gossip, the latest insider leaks and price-points, says so bookmark this page now and check back for the latest news between now and Wednesday.

The excitement is reaching fever pitch T3 towers. We hope you can join us on Wednesday.

Global map Web surveys of disease

19 January 2011, Last updated at 11: 28 alarm systems based on Software GMT disease are considered excellent indicators type seeking influence in Google and you will not find out how sick you are alone, but the data will be recorded on his influence monitoring service.

The service, which is part of the search engine's philanthropic arm,, is just one of many alarm systems based on software disease across the worldwide web.

Through the collection of aggregated data from millions of people or scouring the web for online news reports, blogs and chat rooms, postings, these programs are considered excellent levels indicators of disease worldwide.

"We have found what you are looking for people are actually very good indicators of influenza in a population," Google Trends Flu spokesperson Corrie Conrad said Digital Planet of BBC World Service.

"We have estimates of influence to 28 countries and accuracy will vary depending on each country. But in the United States when compared with the official data from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), we found that we were more accurate than 90%.

He added: "you can take one or two weeks for the CDC collect data from different doctors throughout the country that are part of their system but finding data is updated automatically every day."

Show map of Google world influence estimation influence levels in various countries

Users can track estimated levels of influence by displaying influence Google level map of the world (photo) that projects of different colours-green, namely the level of the virus is low and red, which means that it is high.

By clicking on each country, users will also find charts of levels of influence over time, month by month.

Signs of disease

Other systems, including the global network of public health Intelligence and HealthMap, use a different method.

Search internet news sites around the world for signs of illness.

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is a wonderful use of modern technology that is unbelievably fast "
end quote Prof David Spiegelhalter Cambridge University" we are essentially a web crawling tool very similar to Google that we're scouring the web through tens of thousands of websites, each time looking for specific evidence on infectious diseases, "explains co-founder HealthMap John Brownstein and Diana Schutz.

"Once we find articles about an outbreak, we hold that information and put it on a map available to our users."

According to Mr. Brownstein and Diana Schutz, the system is also useful for tourists who are planning to travel abroad.

"They can see events happening in places they could go," he said.

"For example, foot and mouth disease in South Korea, there is cholera in many parts of the world especially in Haiti. There is polio happening in many parts of Africa, including the Democratic Republic of Congo ".

While both systems of searching the web for news, HealthMap also uses a system of "citizen reporting" that allows the public to report events through iPhone and Android apps.

"These people take a picture of a cluster of dead birds from their home, a photo of a line from a vaccination clinic or pictures of yourself lying on a hospital bed," explains Mr. Brownstein and Diana Schutz. "Their event becomes a point on the map alongside all other events."

Economic crisis

While these warning disease based on software systems can be quick and user friendly, the real question is only how accurate are they compared to official bodies like the World Health Organization?

Mr. Brownstein and Diana Schutz admits that, while the disease based on software, alarm systems, they are not as reliable as official bodies.

"World Health Organization has a mandate to release information validated because if they release it without going through the appropriate channels, they could potentially face a serious economic crisis for reporting something that is not true," he says.

"In our case we are willing to sacrifice a little risk in terms of information and not necessarily always validate perfectly until we release it.

Continue reading the story main Digital Planet is the weekly program broadcast by the BBC World technology ServiceIt is aired on Tuesday 1232GMT to and 1632GMT repeated, 2032GMT and 0032GMT Wednesday continued: "on some level is a good balance between a Web site that provides a rapid dissemination of information that you need to take with a grain of salt at all times against the validated information you get from the World Health Organization or the health protection agency in the United Kingdom".

Agrees professor David Spiegelhalter, Centre for Mathematical Sciences at the University of Cambridge.

He argues that, while may not be as reliable as official figures, speed is the greatest force.

"It is a wonderful use of modern technology that is incredibly fast," he said. "Get things within a day without waiting for weeks.

"Are valuable for tracking what people are worried," he added.

"There are more accurate than the official surveillance but this is not the problem, the idea is to promptly and exit at people in a way that is easy to understand and see things."

The rights and wrongs of digital books

4 November 2010, Last updated at 14: 16 GMT buy an e-book and all you get is a license to try, says Bill Thompson.

Reading onscreen is getting more like reading a book, says Bill Thompson

The recent rapid growth of the market for electronic editions of contemporary fiction, with some titles selling more digital markets in what they do in printed form, it seems unlikely to the queue. The second part of 2010 could mark the starting point to future historians date the transition towards reading on the screen for literary fiction, as well as reference works.

Amazon recently announced that in September has sold more Kindle books that print books for the top ten bestselling books, one hundred and one thousand also on its website applicable U.S. and other resellers will undoubtedly see the same as Christmas nears.

Page Turner

All persons involved in the trading book, as you probably will continue to call for some years, trying to decide how to respond to this change and anticipate the impending arrival of the sort of creative destruction that has crossed the music industry, but few seem to have many good ideas.

Independent publishers Faber & Faber and Canongate, both of whom spend time talking about the impact of the digital publishing (although not for money), are trying hard to remain relevant and initiatives such as the new electronic publishing service, Faber, factory are a sign that they understand the evolution of the market.

However, still have not yet prepared to accept that the price of electronic texts is too high, and that readers will not pay the same for a bunch of bits as they do for a book bound, since the market knows that costs less than sending electrons in a network than it does to buy the paper, make books out of it and ship physical objects in the world.

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we should not allow the right to treat the products of creative expression in the same way as physical property "
end quote Bill Thompson also seem unprepared for fundamental change in the basis of their business that brings digital distribution on all.

When the text of a book is peeled away from the physical book, exposing the important distinction between the law applies to the property and copyright, and this has significant implications for publishers how to make money-or even if they do not all something important happens.

When you buy a book it takes ownership of the pulp, ink and glue that make up the object, and anyone taking away from you without your permission is theft. But I don't own and never owned the copyright.

If the author is still living or died less than 70 years ago, then this list of words and punctuation in this exact order, can be protected in various ways, by limiting the ability to play some or all of the list.

When you buy a digital copy to read on your e-book reader, phone or laptop all you get is the bit copyrighted, and what you pay for is a license to have a copy or copies of the text.

You are not an object "owners"-everything you need is an agreement, and the things you can do with it is limited by copyright law and the terms of this legal agreement that you enter in the licence when you make your purchase.

Kindle and iPad users are well aware of this, because the system of digital rights management used to limit copying of books purchased and makes it impossible to share with a friend in the way we are all accustomed to do with physical books, while the license makes it impossible to sell our e-Book bargain to others and cover the cost of new purchases.

List of loan

Amazon recently announced it will Kindle owners "lend" books, but only for two weeks and once for each title. Expected to clearly get a lot of positive publicity to follow the approach of other e-book readers such as Barnes and noble "nook", but all they did is to highlight exactly what we're giving as we move from buying books to content licensing for our digital devices.

Limits on lending rights might affect libraries

Perhaps worst of all the new features is that Amazon will give publishers a veto on the sharing of their titles. For a company with a reputation for push publishers into distribution deals that are very difficult to work with, Amazon seems to be very careful not to do anything that might upset holders.

When the new Kindle shipped with a feature that let him read text aloud in a voice synthesis which took only a few huffs and puffs from angry Guild we author before the plant has been made optional, to be turned off by Publisher.

And now Amazon is careful to announce aspects editor respectful of his new feature, highlighting the fact that when you pay your money for an edition of Kindle is not buying a book and certainly not buying an e-Book that is in no way equivalent to a printed code.

I would be happy with a system that would allow me to transfer my purchases, rather than sharing them-I don't expect my a download a copy of the new Jonathan Frantzen to provide for the needs of reading my entire extended family at the same time, but loan my Kindle-or in this case my iPad-means loan every book (and every other application), which is not the same as the only loan a book.

There is a point of light in all this, though. Amazon's business model gives us the clearest demonstration of may not let the right to treat the products of creative expression in the same way as physical property.

The idea of "intellectual property" deliberately encompasses two and allows politicians to pretend that the physical property laws should extend to digital downloads. We need to challenge this elision unconscionable if we want to think seriously about business models and copyright in the electronic age.

Bill Thompson is an independent journalist and regular commentator on the BBC World Service Digital Planet. Is currently working with the BBC on its draft archive.

Apple iPad controls the 93 percent of the Tablet PC market

HomeNewsApple IPad controls the 93% of Tablet MarketPosted by Luke Johnson on Fri, February 25, 2011

iPad dominates second generation before unveiling

A few days before the official inauguration of the second generation iPad Apple has confirmed for the March 2, new reports have suggested the current iPad controls 93 per cent of the Tablet PC market.

The relationship industry analysts ABI Research technology which claimed that the Apple was responsible for 93% of Tablet PC 4.5 million devices shipped in the third quarter of 2010. While it is known that Apple controls the market share of Tablet PC, to the extent that it dominates was previously unknown.

With a recent spate of high-end Android powered tablets is revealed by the likes of Samsung, LG, Motorola, Apple's market share of Tablet PC is expected to fall in the coming months, despite the arrival of iPad 2 which is believed to be the voice for the arrival with front and rear facing cameras and a slimmer form factor.

Senior Director of practice at ABI Research, Jeff Orr, said of the findings and the market share of Apple's future: "over time, first time-to-market advantage Apple iPad will inevitably erode to a certain extent. ABI Research has been monitoring media tablets since December 2009; future quarterly editions of this product will include market data tracking market share of all suppliers of Tablet PC main media. "

That of the new breed of tablets 3.0 Android powered is the best chance of rollover iPad? Let us know what you think via the feed T3 Twitter and Facebook.

Via: ABI Research

Microsoft update failed 1/10

24 February 2011, Last updated at 12: 18 GMT Samsung user Alex Roebuck took this picture of his phone ' bricked ' Microsoft has revealed that 1 in 10 people who have tried to install a software update about their problems with the Windows mobile experience.

The company had said previously that were affected only a "small number" of phones.

The owners have reported a number of issues after the download, phones damage, to become completely unusable.

Microsoft has pulled the update immediately after the problem came to light.

On the website of Microsoft, corporate blogger Michael Stroh wrote: "went perfectly with the upgrade process? No — but some large-scale software updates never do, and here the engineering team was prepared.

"Of course, when the phone is having a problem — or you're the one listening — is even worse."

The problem seems to have hit only phones Samsung, Omnia model in particular.

Bad connection

Microsoft said that most of those affected had a bad internet connection, or too little storage on the computer that the update was installed from.

Blog posting company directs users to a resolution line guide, as well as suggesting that visit its Windows phone forum.

Many of the messages on that website users detailed attempt to recover their phones.

Lphilly79 wrote: "I disconnected the phone, remove the battery and the phone started again in the original (v7004).

"It is not obvious, changes were made and everything is ok, it's exactly as it was before attempting to upgrade".

It seemed a member, called Eliuzhi, has had less luck: "now my phone is bricked can't do anything!"

Microsoft has stated that it will release a new update as soon as it has identified how to fix the problem.

The company is looking to grow its lucrative smartphone market share, having lost ground to Apple, Google and Blackberry.

It recently announced a tie-up with Nokia that would see the producer's laptop running Windows Phone on its smartphone devices.

LaCie unveils the first hard drive with Thunderbolt

HomeNewsLaCie reveals the first hard drive with ThunderboltPosted Devina from Divecha on Sun 27 Feb 2011

Will be the first ever capable-Thunderbolt hard become essential for techies as LBD is for fashionistas?

Today LaCie announced the first storage device that supports the newest Thunderbolt technology, available only on the new Apple MacBook Pro Apart from Thunderbolt, the new MacBook Pro seems to host a variety of impressive specifications.

Formerly known as light Peak, Thunderbolt is a standard technology fast i/o peripheral that owns a 10Gbps (1 .25gbps), speed, and can support high-resolution displays.

Running on PCI Express and DisplayPort protocols, the LaCie Little Big Disk is designed for mobile professionals and the media in mind, allowing multiple HD video streams in minutes instead of hours without compromise.

Data transferred between devices on Thunderbolt reported can be made 20 times faster than USB 2.0.

The LBD consists of two 250 GB Intel 510 series solid state drives and is enclosed in an aluminum d2.

Philippe Spruch, CEO of LaCie said, "Thunderbolt technology is a breakthrough in technology and represents the future of mobile computing. Soon will be able to exercise power and workstation-class functionality in compact devices. "

The LaCie Little Big Disk was developed by Intel and is expected to become available by summer 2011. Capacity of storage and prices are yet unknown.

What are your thoughts on the new standard Thunderbolt? Head to our Facebook and Twitter pages and tell us. Watch this space for more news updates superfast tech.

Samsung Galaxy S II set for March, arrival at the price of £ 708?

Galaxy HomeNewsSamsung S II set for March priced £ 708?Posted by Luke Johnson Fri, February 25, 2011

Second generation Galaxy S tilted for March

Since it was officially unveiled at MWC 2011 Samsung last week follow up to his laptop's Galaxy formidable, the Samsung Galaxy S II was made available for pre-order with a release in March.

Available through dealer online tech cloves, 2 3 Samsung Galaxy S Android touting II, also known as the i9100, can be pre-ordered now with wannabe owners having to fork out £ 612 for the model 16 GB or a whopping £ 708 for 32 GB.

Announcing the news via his official blog of cloves said: "as we all know, release dates are always subject to change, but we got word today that will be the first stock of the Samsung Galaxy S i9100 II, both the 16 GB & 32 GB versions, landing mid to late March."

Set to launch with a 1 GHz processor dual core and Super stunning 4.3-inch AMOLED display, Plus the Galaxy S II will be equipped with an 8 megapixel camera mounted with a second snapper forward 2 megapixels and features Full HD 1080p video recording. 8.49 Mm thickness the Galaxy S II boasts a wonderfully elegant design and weighs just 116grammes.

Online retailer Expansys buddies currently hosts the 16 GB Samsung Galaxy S II for £ 649.99 with a touted arrival June 20. The 32 GB is not currently available from Expansys.

Talking exclusively with T3, a Samsung official spokesman was unable to shed light on any final arrival time or prices stated: "at this stage we can confirm that the Galaxy S II will be available in Q2 in May. We are able to comment on how this price is set by traders. "

Is a price of £ 600-plus too high for the spec-impressive's Galaxy II? Let us know what you think via the feed T3 Twitter and Facebook.

Samsung Galaxy s hands-on II-video
: Samsung Galaxy S video | source: T3 Tech video

Brightcove. createExperiences ();

Review: HTC desire's hands

HomeReviewsPhonesMobile PhonesHTC desire S Review: Mani OnPosted by Richard Wordsworth on Fri, February 25, 2011

Telephone follow-up year revealed

Brightcove. createExperiences ();

HTC desire's Build

Typical HTC, the HTC desire is carved from a single block of aluminium for a solid and elegant finish. The design will be familiar to anyone who has played with or owned its previous incarnation, you feel the original HTC desire, with smooth edges and a metal cuving cold to the touch. However, the small adjustments have been made to the successor: the desire to s lost clickable buttons at the bottom of the phone and replaced them with touch sensitive Icons, and optical trackball is gone, too, resulting in a phone that is slightly lighter (130 g) and small (115 x 59.8 mm x 4.6 mm) than its predecessor.

Click here to launch our gallery of images of HTC desire's hands-on

HTC desire Android s

The HTC desire's runs Android 2.2 FroYo, but HTC are promising an update of gingerbread 2.3 in the near future, presumably with his excellent sense UI neatly spread over the top. We love sense UI on the current stable of phones HTC, but we are not fans of how candidates are all launching HTC MWC with an underlying operating system-the-times, especially with Android 2.3 Gingerbread featuring prominently on other phones competitors MWC.

HTC desire screen s

The screen is actually a step down from the original desire (to its initial launch), due to the global shortage of AMOLED screens. So, while the original sported black desire of pitch and lively contrasts, his older brother has to make do with what they call HTC a LCD Super-kinder to more regular batteries, LCD but more power hungry and less vivd more AMOLED.

HTC desire's camera

The camera is a standard 5MP snapper with autofocus and LED flash. It also records video in 720 p HD standard now. In addition, the post-iPhone 4 standard front facing camera also makes an appearance, for those in video call.

HTC desire's battery

The battery on desire had a slight upgrade from the original desire, increase from 1400 mAh for 1500 mAh, which normally mean that the phone would go wider than a single charge. However, the original desire also boasted an AMOLED screen, that offer terrific odds also uses less power than LCD Super that appears on the new desire s. Yet, the battery life is based on more than just mAh, then we will have to wait until we have one from HTC to see people as truly measures to its predecessor.

HTC desire's price has the HTC desire's listed for pre-order on their site, price £ 419.99.

Date of launch of the HTC desire's

Amazon has put the release date for the desire of St to 18th April 2011.

Workers ' Poisoned ' turn to Apple

23 February 2011, Last updated at 12: 28 GMT Wintek touchscreens on contract makes Apple and other mobile phone companies. Chinese workers injured while making touchscreens for mobile devices, including iPhones, Apple have written in asking it to do more to help them.

Some 137 workers suffered adverse health effects after exposure to a chemical, known as n-hexane.

They argue that the Taiwanese factory owner never gave them a sufficient compensation.

Apple did not offer comment on the letter.

Five workers, including the 27-year-old Jia Jingchuan, have signed a letter to the chief executive officer Steve Jobs, asking Apple to offer help to above incidents.

They say that the owner of the factory didn't give enough compensation, urged those who took off to give up their job and was unable to guarantee that workers who might suffer illnesses fresh medical bills will have taken care of.

Long-term damage

WinTek, the Taiwan company that owns the factory said that the chemical is used in place of alcohol because evaporated faster and accelerate the production of touchscreens.

It has now returned to using alcohol to clean screens.

Jia Jingchuan is among victims of chemical poisoning

Workers exposed to n-hexane expert fainting and exhaustion, sweaty hands and feet, numbness in hands and feet swelling and pain. Some argue that they are still ill-effects.

Experts say that daily exposure to n-hexane can cause long-term damage.

In its annual report, published last week, Apple has acknowledged the incident.

"In 2010 we have learned that 137 workers at the plant of Suzhou to Wintek, one of the vendors Apple, they had suffered the adverse health effects following exposure to n-hexane, a chemical detergents used in certain manufacturing processes," read the report.

"We have commissioned Wintek to stop the use of n-hexane and provide proof that they had removed the chemical from their production lines," he said.

Apple said it has also asked the firm to provide adequate ventilation in the factory. You will monitor the plant and reaudit facility this year.

WinTek also provides components to a number of other companies, including Nokia and HTC.

This is not the first problem that Apple has experimented with its Chinese factories.

Annual report also refers to an incident to its primary supplier Foxconn factory in China, where a dozen workers committed suicide.

"We were disturbed and deeply saddened to learn that factory workers were taking their own life," read the report.

You said "suicide prevention specialists" were working with Foxconn to improve conditions.

Tech terms ' bloggable ' and ' sexting ' included in the OED

Terms HomeNewsTech ' bloggable ' and ' sexting ' included in OEDPosted by Luke Johnson on Fri, February 25, 2011

' trackpad ' and ' onliner ' join the ranks of parole officers

Technology increasing influence on our daily lives was recognised by the Oxford English Dictionary as terms such as ' trackpad ', ' bloggable ' and ' sexting ' is included in the OED's digital versions for the first time.

With technology related terms, becoming a factor always present in our daily lives, today also saw the inclusion of the dictionary of malicious computer ' scareware ', a term for an internet user ' onliner ' and ' cyber bullying ' and ' cybersecurity '.

Talking about the technology of incursions inspired words and phrases have transformed into the English language, George Fletcher, a spokeswoman for Oxford Dictionaries Online, said: "we have added over 1,000 new words because the site was launched in May."

She went on to add: "we are also seeing very fast movement of new vocabulary on a global basis, with the expansion of social media." Texting has had a major influence on language over the past nine months with ' tbh fnarr fnarr ' and ' ' accession ' sexting ' as OED inclusions.

What term of text you think should be included in the Oxford English Dictionary? Share your thoughts with us via Twitter and Facebook feeds T3.

Via: Metro

Google Launches YouTube streaming service in the United Kingdom

Not HomeNewsGoogle YouTube launch Streaming Service In UKPosted by Devina Divecha on sat, 26th February 2011

Google launches movie streaming service in the United Kingdom? No they are not.

Google is launching a YouTube movie streaming service, contrary to reports swirling around the world of technology.

There was a report in the New York Post that Google is considering launching a subscription based service of film on YouTube, he said. It has also been reported that Google has earmarked $ 100 million (£ 62 million) for the project.

The movie streaming service, if launched, it would have been similar to options such as LoveFilm streaming in the United Kingdom.

However, paidContentUK was told by a YouTube spokesperson UK that this is not true. The spokesman said, "today, YouTube is focused on building out and improve its current leasing offer based in United States. While we always push out all of our products worldwide, our community, we have no intention of launching a European rental service in the near future. "

Such a service would have competed with other services, video-on-demand, but unfortunately we're not going to be seeing this anytime soon.

Pop over to Twitter and Facebook to T3 and tell us which service of video-on-demand uses and follow us to stay updated on new tech which is soon to UK shores.

Trilogy of alien race incoming for Xbox 360

HomeNewsAlien breed trilogy Incoming for Xbox 360Posted Devina from Divecha on Sun 27 Feb 2011

Trilogy of alien race comes to retail stores ...

The trilogy of Alien Breed is soon to retail stores close to the players.

Mastertronic Group has announced that the trilogy of Alien Breed will be landing in stores for the Xbox 360 platform.

The boxset includes Alien Breed: Evolution, Alien Breed 2: assault and Alien Breed 3: Descent.

No detail of prices has been revealed. The trilogy of alien race is slated to land in stores on March 18th and will be the first time the entire collection will be available at retail.

Versions of the game are available for download on PSN, PC and Xbox Live Arcade. Individual downloads of the game on Xbox Live Arcade costs $ 30 (£ 19), so we're hoping the retail price will be competitive.

What game are currently obsessed? Pop over to our Twitter and Facebook pages and tell us. While you're at it, hit ' follow ' and ' how to ' so that you can get regular updates on games and all other tech.

Street: Joystiq

Google phone blunts Facebook app

24 February 2011, Last updated at 13: 33 GMT has increased the number of people to access Facebook from their mobile abruptly Google has stepped up the battle with Facebook data from smooth app social networking site on their mobile phones.

An update to its latest mobile operating system users will see Facebook disappearing contacts from the phone's address book.

Google said it has taken the initiative, as it was no longer willing to Facebook free from its data sharing rules.

The decision was regarded as indicative of the increasing tensions between the two internet giants.

Tamper contact update applies to the gingerbread version of Android, the Google mobile OS-currently only available for phones Nexus and Nexus One 's, which are manufactured for Google.

Those responsible for other Android-based phones are required to make available to its users updating Gingerbread in the coming months.

If these mobiles using the same version of gingerbread as Nexus phones, most owners would find Facebook deleted contacts from their address book.

Originally, the Android app of Facebook allowed users to compile the phonebook of the phone with contacts from Facebook.

However, that data may not be exported from the handset, it was controlled by Facebook-something Google said it can no longer tolerate.

"Since the Facebook contacts may not be exported from the device, the aspect of integration creates a false sense of data portability," Google said in a statement.

Facebook contacts, however, will remain accessible through the application.

More than 200 million people accessing Facebook via a mobile device in 2010, according to their data-up to 65 million in the prior year.

Advertising data

Google would benefit greatly from being able to export your contacts from Facebook users, said Mike Davis, senior analyst at Ovum.

"There's a lot of information, which you can derive from analyzing a list of contacts," he said.

That information could be used to improve the targeting of the ads that Google publishes, he added.

The spat highlights the growing tension between Facebook and Google, said Mr. Davis.

But, He predicted that Facebook is "unlikely buckle" requests at this stage of sharing data of Google.

At the end of 2010, the two companies engaged in a dispute over the data similar to share contact data between Facebook and Google Gmail web based email system.

Facebook has not responded to requests for comment at the time of writing.

Google faces new complaint search

22 February 2011, Last updated at 17: 04 GMT Google faces more questions on how he approached other search engines to new complaint about suspected anti-competitive conduct Google was presented by the French search engine specialist 1plusV.

It follows similar complaints from price comparison site Foundem and ejustice. fr legal search engine last year.

Those triggered a probe of the European Commission in Google's business practices, which is ongoing.

Google said it was working with the EC, adding that "there was always room for improvement".

"We worked closely with the European Commission to explain many different parts of our business. While we have always tried to do the right thing for our users and advertisers, we realize that there is always room for improvement, "the company said in a statement.

Delisted sites

1plusV is the parent company of eJustice .fr and runs the so-called vertical engines specializing in law, music and culture.

It is said that between 2006 and 2010 Google prevented vertical search firms using its AdSense online advertising service.

1PlusV, "This is the only really effective way to get targeted advertising on a search engine," said in a statement.

It also maintains that, in the weeks following the original complaint, Google delisted sites published by it.

"EJustice .fr, was disastrous in terms of its traffic, Google's decision to remove it from its search results," he said.

Google said it depends on the positioning on search results as a particular site is valuable for its users.

It said companies to improve their websites allow you to move the rankings.

But 1plusV said that eJustice. fr has been relisted in December, without modification.

"REList is in complete contradiction with the topic of Google that eJustice. fr was demolished because it does not provide any value to the user of the internet," said 1plusV.

The European Commission said it would give the opportunity to comment on the statements before deciding what to do with Google.

If Google is guilty of abuse of a dominant position in the search or advertising markets could face a hefty fine.

Earthquake rescue

24 February 2011, Last updated at 23: 22 GMT from Dave Lee BBC World Service Peter Altrincham hopes (right), the robot can do search and rescue attempts "leaner" as New Zealand tries to come to terms with the devastating earthquake of Christchurch, brave rescuers continue to work their way through the rubble in search of more than 200 people disappeared.

From the ground, experts try to judge where people are more likely to be buried by decomposition through rubble, listening to the sounds and sending dogs to detect life.

Some buildings, however, proved just too dangerous for rescue teams entering.

A team of engineers at the University of Warwick has worked to resolve the problem by developing a robot capable of entering unstable buildings and "watching" around for signs of survival.

Until now, the previous technology has relied on laser-based equipment prohibitively expensive but Warwick team have opted for a much cheaper hardware-Xbox Microsoft Kinect.

The means of the motion detection Mobile Robotics Warwick (WMR) were able to create a robot that can accurately model its surroundings and even identify the places where they can be survived.

"The idea is to protect the lives of the rescuers," explained Peter Crook, mechanical engineer on the project.

Continue reading the main story
really is not designed to bring people who are locked out there, but this would mean that the emergency services know where the '
end quote Peter Crook Warwick Mobile Robotics "what you have is a team of people perhaps two-it doesn't take a lot of labour-and you would be set up outside. From a safe distance, they drive the robot and then use the robot to find victims. "Award-Winning

Last year, the robot was awarded first place in the Robocup Rescue European Championship in Germany, a prestigious competition that aims to take initiatives in this field the ability to get publicity and funding.

WMR is currently courting further sponsorship for their search-particularly when it comes to testing the robot in real life situations.

"They're obviously difficult to predict, and we don't have the money to fly out there," said Mr Crook, reflecting on the disaster in New Zealand.

We raise all our funding and then the cost is a huge problem for us, what you can and cannot produce.

Mr Crook estimated using Kinect, rather than other similar technologies, the team has managed to save over £ 2000 for each robot.

And, as well as being more convenient, the machine is technologically more advanced than before.

"What we had before was a LIDAR-laser range finder-but then just literally giving a view so that you get a flat line of things away from you, how are you.

The robots are currently undergoing testing

"Whereas Kinect gives us a three-dimensional vision so we can actually see it as a picture and how everything is far away."

This makes it the potentially huge aid robot for rescue desperate not to lose time in getting to the survivors.

"It really is not designed to bring people who are locked out there, but this would mean that the emergency services know where they are and would be able to get to them much more effectively than maybe looking through a whole building which can be empty.

"It also produces a 3D map at the same time, so what then you back on your computer is a full map of the Interior of the building. You could simplify your process bailout. "

New approach

However, the project facing an obstacle in this area.

Microsoft in the past were reluctant to support using Kinect on something different from their Xbox consoles.

Continue reading the story main Digital Planet is the weekly program broadcast by the BBC World technology ServiceIt is broadcast on Tuesday 1232GMT to and 1632GMT repeated, 2032GMT and Wednesday to 0032GMT robot WMR was made possible only after an independent programmer unofficial driver product that allowed the Kinect be used on a normal computer.

"We had not tackled with authorization," said Mr. Crook.

"So this should become a commercial product, I think we may have to cross that bridge."

However, while Microsoft has resisted using Kinect early adaptation devices, the company now says he has changed his position.

In the spring, a developer kit for Kinect will be available for personal users, while a commercial kit will follow at a later date.

"It is definitely good news for us," said Mr. Crook, welcoming the new approach.

"Essentially we are using the function for which it is designed but not computer games, but to save lives."

Xbox hacker Kinect ' welcome '

21 February 2011, Last updated at 20: 04 GMT from Rory Cellan Jones technology correspondent, BBC News, Seattle, Microsoft says that a new world of possibilities for it can open Microsoft is opening up its Xbox Kinect technology to allow amateur software developers to experiment with it.

The company is releasing a software development kit in the spring, which will give developers access to the secrets behind the technology.

For now it will be for personal use only, but Microsoft says it will release a commercial version.

Kinect, which transforms the body of the player in a game controller, was a great success since it launched last November.

It has already captured the imagination of the hacker Community, which showed various uses for the technology, including 3D photography.

Microsoft is hoping that an army of developers now will find smarter ways to bring more Kinect to the next level.

"How technologies such as these reach scale, creativity and invention will open a whole world of new possibilities for the computing," said Craig Mundie, Chief Research and strategy officer of Microsoft.

The announcement was made during an open day at the Microsoft Research Center near Seattle.

The company is hoping that the success of Kinect, developed by our scientists, it can give a greater presence in the home entertainment sector.

Review: Sony Ericsson Xperia playing with hands

HomeReviewsPhonesSmartphonesSony Ericsson Xperia Play Review: Mani OnPosted by Richard Wordsworth on Fri, February 25, 2011

Came the long awaited PlayStation phone. Presentation: the Xperia Play.

Sony Ericsson Xperia Play Build

Now that the hotly anticipated phone PlayStation made official, the generation is to be like the PSP go-a compact device with a slide out gamepad hidden underneath the screen. The controller will look familiar to PlayStation and PSP gamers, sports the d-pad four buttons on the left and the triangle logo, square, cross and circle buttons on the right. Instead of the analog sticks found on PlayStation controller, Sony Ericsson has gone with touch sensitive wheel to control the camera and movement in the game. Shoulder buttons are at the top of the game pad section of the phone, so obscured from view when the screen was slipped up. The disadvantage of this configuration is the inherent slide out chunkiness-do not call fat, but we couldn't call it svelte, either.

Click here to launch our images hands-on Gallery Sony Ericsson Xperia play.

Sony Ericsson Xperia Android Play

Unlike the slew of phones that are creeping their way into the hands of consumers with Android 2.2, the Xperia is bang up-to-date Gingerbread 2.3 right out of the gate.

Sony Ericsson Xperia Play screen

Obviously a game centered around the laptop, the screen is something of a big deal. Put the game pad of phone below the display screen real estate, leaving a blocked four inches of screen to play, which has a resolution of 854 x 480 pixels. According to Sony Ericsson can run games at 60 fps, but from our experience at MWC games that we played we left him skeptical of that figure. The screen of the game is exactly what you'd expect from modern smartphone-bright, responsive and with multi-touch.

Sony Ericsson Xperia camera Play

The Xperia comes packing a 5 .1MP camera with autofocus, image stabilization, flash and video recording mode.

Sony Ericsson Xperia Play drums

Of course a killer issue for a handheld gaming device. Fortunately, the credits are from Sony Ericsson that the battery will last for more than five hours of play before needing a recharge, which is exactly the same as the latest PSP, PSP Go and enough wile away a piece of the long car journey. Once the good folks at Sony Ericsson pop one of us a number we'll let you know in real time.

Sony Ericsson Xperia Play price

The handset Xperia Play is available for pre-order from a number of online retailers from between £ 500 gadget and £ 550. Assuming that the price does not fall on the launch, the question is: given the choice, would you rather have a HTC desire's (£ 420, and a PSP-3000 (£ 130, also from amazon) or hybrid Xperia Play for the same price? £ 550, the Xperia is going to have excel in gameplay elements and corresponding phone a standalone devices to be worthy punt.

Date of launch of Sony Ericsson Xperia Play

You have not set the release date for the Xperia, with retailers offering it for pre-order by putting the issue on speculative various dates in March.

If you are watching on CCTV?

There is no official record kept of how many there are CCTV cameras in the United Kingdom

The United Kingdom is one of the heaviest users of CCTV throughout the world, but for many shops, there is nobody to monitor cameras so that internet users are invited to contribute in return for cash prizes.

A network of CCTV cameras monitoring your central London and trained professionals and deep underground track 120 feeds, coordinating research, by terrorists for thieves.

But for smaller shops, CCTV surveillance can be intensive work too much and too expensive to be practical.

A controversial site called Internet eyes. calls on the British internet users to fill in the gaps. For £ 13 a year, subscribers can become crime fighters.

Subscribers are shown live streaming of CCTV by two convenience stores somewhere in the country. If they spot something suspicious, the owner of the shop-can be notified of a potential thief.

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If the tip-off discovers to be correct, have earned three points. And in this schema, points mean prizes-£ 1000 for the Subscriber that most catches in a single month of bags.

"I feel that I'm contributing to public safety and crime prevention-simply by having it running in the background," says Robert Stevenson, a viewer eyes of the Internet.

"I might be using another application pretty solidly. But out of the corner of my eye, if I see something happens that will simply click the alarm button. In a few seconds the user is warned and hey presto a crime could be prevented in real time. "

Shopkeeper Kamlesh Patel has been in business for 30 years and has spent most of that time trying to beat the thieves.

"We have 16 cameras in the shop, which I think is not enough," says Patel. But its staff are too busy to serve customers to monitor the CCTV.

Artists and activists question inasmuch as it uses the CCTV

"There is no way we can keep our eye on everything," she says. "Eventually, we hope that this stops our money and goods just walk out of our store. Works as another pair of eyes "

Four of his cameras are connected to the service using the Internet eyes broadband shop. When a Subscriber raises the alarm, Kamlesh receives a text-giving you the ability to stop the thief in his store, or call the police.

Crowdsourcing crimespotters

"Small and medium-sized enterprises are losing a lot of marching through shoplifting and we arrived at a solution," says Tony Morgan, eyes of the Internet.

"Once we have experienced the problem, the owner of the shop and our viewers get a new screen and you're done. So we are not be too intrusive, they just help to make a living ".

Crowdsourcing crimespotters from the web is not a new idea. Anyone in the world can watch live images from the border between Texas and Mexico and alerting the authorities if they see someone trying to cross illegally.

In Texas the reward to spot a fugitive is simple-an act of patriotism or a greater sense of civic duty.

Amateur critics say schemes only trained officials should watch movies

But the regime of Internet eyes takes things further with the monetary reward. And that has raised the alarm with activists of civil liberties.

After all, how many people know that popping down the shops for a pint of milk first thing in the morning could be beamed to amateur sleuths throughout the network?

"If we're going to have so many CCTV cameras in this country, then we need to be reassured that they are being managed professionally," said James Welch, Director Office of freedom.

"The problem with this scheme of Internet eyes is that they are actually set it as a competition-people are going to compete to see who can get the most hits in a month-and this is intended to lead to a lot of people who accosted in stores, or anywhere for the wrong reason.

"But other than that, I think we need to be reassured that people are monitoring CCTV cameras to know what you're looking for and know their obligations under the Data Protection Act-so that they haven't had to register stuff and pass it on, use it inappropriately."

Promoted Software

A new body of research called "video analytics" could automate the process of monitoring, CCTV and help reduce privacy concerns.

Live images are analyzed and alerts are sent to supervisors CCTV, if the program detects unusual patterns that you think are worth.

Another idea involves adding microphones for CCTV cameras to detect sounds distressing as car alarms. Rather than on the volume of work, the analysis software to pitch and tone alerts then these images that there might be a problem.

But, even if it's smart, software is not yet up to make calls to mind to close.

For the moment, the surveillance is simply deep underground or assigned to an amateur somewhere at the end of a connection to the internet, keeping the bad guys at Bay still a human eye.

BBC.Adverts .Show ("storyprintsponsorship");BBC.Adverts .Show ("adsense_middle");

Best Blu-Ray home cinema

CinemasPosted HomeFeaturesBest Blu-ray Home from T3 Magazine on Sat 26 February 2011

Complete your Hi-def home cinema with one of the best audio set-up one-box to buy now

1. Samsung HT C-9950W

£ 1800,

Love: innovative design.
Hate: Designer price tag

2. SONY BDV E370 E770 new

£ 280,

Love: extra Internet. Wireless streaming. 5.1Audio crisp and clear, at an affordable price
Hate: blunted glances. Sub weak

3 panasonic sc-bft800

£ 658,
Love: 3D-ready all-in-one Blu-ray soundbar//iPod dock
Hate: missing sonic punch

4. onkyo ht s3305

£ 315,

Love: great performance for the price. Particularly fine AV receiver
Hate: speakers Cheap disappoint slightly side

5. Pioneer HTP-200
£ 350,

Love: easy to set up AV receiver and fi ve loudspeakers
Hate: No on screen menu

Trio electric complete round the world

February 25, 2011, Last updated at 14: 19 GMT An Australian three was among the runners a trio of emission-free electric vehicles have pulled up silently in Geneva, completing a journey around the world to promote green energy.

A three Australian German, a scooter and a Swiss moto Monotracer arrived at the UN European headquarters in Switzerland.

Had taken 188 days to cover 27,000 km (16,800 miles), 80 days that were actually spent.

The main obstacle they faced was charging in remote areas.

"It was very difficult in some places, certainly for our team members in Russia and China," said Alexandra James, one of 12 volunteers who took their turn to guide the two-seater Australian bright green, dubbed Travolta.

"They were straight in the sheet feeder cable in certain situations, because he was the only way to get a reliable energy source-it was a challenge," he told AFP news agency.

Sylvie Motard, the United Nations Environment Programme, said the "race to Zero" had shown that might be self powered by clean, renewable energy "as effective as gasoline vehicles, but without emissions".

Week's app: Facebook apps stalker, ad-free angry birds

HomeNewsApp week: Stalker Facebook Apps, ad-free angry BirdsPosted by Chris Smith on sat, February 26, 2011

Every Saturday we resumed this week in mobile applications is bringing the news of new releases largest among all major platforms and a myriad of reviews by T3 App chart. Let's crack on.


Angry birds without ads, coming to Android
Android owners were especially smug about getting game for nowt every angry birds, but let's be honest, these applications are slightly distracting when you're trying to beat those pigs high-flying off their perch. So, if you want ad free smashing pig and you want to pay for the privilege you will then be able to do so by March.

Facebook has a week especially stalkerish ...
Facebook pulls out the guardone in everyone, but this week has been incredibly creepy in terms of two new Add-ons. Firstly, the notifier now-banned dissolution would be will send an email when someone on your ' hot list ' becomes single again and another app for Android would drop a line when some doubles Judas Iscariot unfriends you. These are crazy times that we live in, folks.

The newspaper on Android?
We all knew that the iPad ecosystem was Apple's digital newspaper/News Corp, so an Android version 3.0 was always on the cards. Latest Word is that tablet friendly child Rupert Murdoch will be arriving on lists like Xoom Motorola and Samsung Galaxy card by Q2 of 2011. After all, the strong editorial team of 100 isn't going to pay your salary.

A Hipster in your Pocket?
Is there anything worse than hipsters? Funky shoes, terrible attitudes, delusions of grandeur and annoying tastes in everything? So why would one of these on your iPhone you judge each time? Well, that's what makes the Hipster Pocket for iPhone, is judged for your music and suggests the best artists. And you must pay for the privilege.

App of the week | Papa Sangre for iPhone
iPhone game goes dark
T3 App chart | Top 10 iPhone Apps | Sangre del Papa for iPhone review


iPhone game goes dark ...
Here's a new one. A game where you are blind and pass these sounds in an attempt to save the soul your woman in a mysterious land of the undead. Sangre Pope (not to be confused with the beginning of the 1990s WWF voodoo master Papa Shango) is certainly a departure from the regular iPhone gaming fare and is unique enough to earn five stars award of T3.

Graphic novels on your Android device
Yes, Yes, we're all jealous of the App Store and is fully functional, all guns blazing Marvel Comics app, but finally, there is a comic book app for your Android phone that you don't want to smash it to smithereens. Thanks Graphic .LY.

Türkiye arrives on Windows 7
Exactly how many pictures of cats with funny captions are too many? Keep in ... where is still the symbol of infinity. Yes, it's time to all owners of WP7 had been waiting for! No, do not copy and paste, an app icanhascheeseburger featuring the hilarity infinite cats with poor grammar. Worth a download? Find out in our review

Link: T3 App chart

Strange News: Sky shows 3D apps and Opera fighting back

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Google Tweaks search engine to restrict content farms

Search engine HomeNewsGoogle Tweaks to restrict content FarmsPosted by Devina Divecha on sat, 26th February 2011

Google tweaks their search engine algorithm

Google is making a major change to its search engine algorithm that gives higher rankings to sites of high quality and lower the ranking of the low-quality sites.

Google's judgment, low quality sites are those that are "low added value for users, copy the contents from other websites or sites that are not only very useful." High quality sites are those who have original content and contain research, in-depth reports and analysis.

From all estimates, these changes, although subtle, 11.8% of its affected queries. The changes will be reflected first in the United States and expand into other countries in a matter of time.

Google says that their purpose is to provide citizens with the most relevant answers all their questions as quickly as possible, which requires them to their optimization algorithm.

Amit Singhal, Google fellow and Principal Engineer, Matt Cutts, said on the official blog of Google, "Google depends on high quality content created by wonderful websites in the world, and we have a responsibility to encourage a healthy ecosystem. Therefore, it is important for sites of high quality to be rewarded, and that is exactly what this change. "

What is your primary search engine? We tell of T3 Twitter and Facebook feed and stay tuned in for the latest updates in the world of technology.

Via: Google's Blog

Apple beats out succession query

23 February 2011, Last updated at 21: 44 GMT by Maggie Shiels, BBC News technology reporter, Silicon Valley, Steve Jobs didn't say when, or if, the rudder will return Apple Apple has fought off efforts to reveal the succession plans for the time when Steve Jobs is no longer in charge of the company.

The proposal was presented by the Fund for workers of the plant during the annual meeting of shareholders of the company.

Steve Jobs, who is his third medical leave, did not attend the event at the headquarters of Apple in California.

Apple, a secret society known, he fought the proposal from the outset.

A count of preliminary proxy on the measure at issue has suggested that the proposed Fund had been defeated.

Was a move that disappointed Jennifer O'Dell, who made the proposal on behalf of the Fund, which represents the 500,000 construction workers across the United States and in Canada.


"We want Steve Jobs to get back to work yesterday," Ms. O'Dell told BBC News.

"We want him to be here every day. We want to live forever.

"That is not realistic, and that's why they need to have a plan. And if they have a plan, and I'm sure they do, what's wrong with a little transparency?

Apple until now said that such a disclosure would give competitors a "unfair advantage" by publishing goals and plans of the company.

' Internal ' candidates

The first time, Mr Jobs took time off work to take care of her health was in 2004 when he revealed that he had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

A second medical leave came in 2009 after a liver transplant.

When investors have expressed some concern about the future of the company, given how Mr. Jobs has seen central to its success.

The Illinois-based pension fund said it has submitted its proposal, last year, months before the most recent decision Mr Jobs ' taking time from work due to medical reasons.

The measure had called for Apple to develop a plan that would be reviewed each year which specifically established "criteria for the position of CEO" and "identifies and develops internal candidates" potentially fill the position.

The Fund has also called for CdA Apple start emergency planning for a new Executive Director three years before a planned transition.

' Real ' Debate

Despite the defeat, Ms O'Dell said that this was not the end of their efforts.

The Fund holds nearly 11,500 shares of Apple, a value of approximately $ 4 million (£ 2.4 m).

"If the company doesn't want to get in touch with us and have a real debate on this issue we will refile again next year," he said.

"Thirty companies have adopted this [succession plans] including HP and Intel.

"There are a lot of things we can do with this proposal.

"If the Board continues to not want to listen to long-term shareholders, to talk seriously about this problem, we can take a second step and hold directly responsible for the Management Board and we could hold our votes by members of the Board of Directors. We want to do it? NO. "

While Apple provided hundreds of thousands of workers with pension security, an enterprise cannot be executed by one person to dictate the role of the company, he said.


In the absence of Mr Jobs ', the company is run by chief operating officer Tim Cook.

During the meeting of one hour, not shareholders questions on health of Mr. Jobs ', although a number wished him well for the future.

Out of the Office of the company, the majority opinion upheld the decision of Apple to hold his cards on succession close to his chest.

"I feel make public such a plan is useless," said Pam Pallakoff, a shareholder for 20 years.

"We feel the management in place is very good management and make the right decisions at the time that they need."

Fellow shareholder Shelton Ehrlich, 76, said he was glad he lost the proposal, and that he had faith that the company knew what he was doing.

"Mr jobs, if he is not here or here ... the company will complete his vision. At least for the next five years, everything is set up on a good path. "

Analysts have long agreed with this point of view, that Apple has a long pipeline of products and a deep bench of management with a wealth of experience.

Similarly confident in future Apple was a shareholder in 29-year-old Melissa Gutknecht, who has held the stock of the company since 2008.

"I am respectfully of the way that Apple is thinking of this problem and to understand that a lot is happening behind the scenes," he said.

"My thoughts are already have a plan in place and does not endanger the shareholder by any means. I think just trying to be smart about how they spread this information to shareholders and the public ".

More say

A proposal that was adopted was an undisputed requirement that the applicant's board of the company to receive a majority in order to be appointed.

The move was seen as a victory for Calpers, the largest pension fund in the United States, that the meeting was said, holds 1.6 m shares Apple worth just under $ 1 billion.

Apple was opposed to this measure and said that would hamper his ability to keep the members of its Board of Directors.

Analysts said that the vote has emphasized investors want more say in the selection of board members and more power to pass beyond the wishes of the management of Apple, which is seen as a very close-knit group.

IPad ad?

At the annual shareholders ' meeting also ignited a iPad updated entries, with an event in San Francisco next week dubbed come see what 2011 will be the year.

The company has sold more than 15 m of devices since its launch last April.

Mr Cook wouldn't talk about future products, but said she thought that the market for tablet PC was "huge, huge".

Unlike last year when iPad had the market almost to itself, this year will face increased competition from a number of companies from Google to HP of Research in Motion.

Much advertised Xoom Motorola tablet that runs an operating system developed by Google, goes on sale on Thursday.

The Xoom was crowned the best gadget at the giant Consumer electronics Show in Las Vegas last month.

Research in Motion plans to release four versions of its tablet PlayBook this year, largely intended for the enterprise market.

Six nation of England rugby star Chris Ashton talks tech

Rugby Six Nations Star Chris Ashton talks TechPosted the HomeNewsEngland by Luke Johnson on Fri, February 25, 2011

Winger England Ashton expresses the love of Apple

England wing and current Six Nations star Chris Ashton took time out of training before Championship clash-choosing tomorrow's potential with France to talk tech with T3.

The star of Northampton and 23 years took six Nations by storm forward aiming for individual tournament try scoring record in the first two games with a brace of touchdown against Wales in opening tie before scoring four trys as England took in Italy at Twickenham.

Talking exclusively with T3, Ashton declared his love for Apple products saying in reference to the tech giant fruity: "I am a fan of Macs. I think you all the best things, is always there with the best technology and are always on top of all that aren't ".

Added Apple style vs. substance debate Ashton, who owns the newest model 11-inch MacBook Air, as well as an iPhone 4, said: "I think it's a bit of both. With my laptop is so thin and small, has everything I need and it's just easy to put away and go ".

Man, famous for its celebration ' Ash-Splash ' swallow-dive, something he says that we'll see once again, is not a fan of all Apple products, however, after selling its iPad due to problems with its lack of Flash compatibility.

For the full interview with Chris Ashton, including his favorite apps, tech battles with teammate Ben Foden, hopes for England vs. France meet and more about this celebration infamous check out the video below, made earlier this week at Nike Town in London.

Brightcove. createExperiences ();

Intel launches high-speed cable

24 February 2011, Last updated at 18: 25 GMT Thunderbolt will use Future versions of fiber Chip manufacturer Intel announced to roll out a new technology for connecting computers and peripherals.

The system, known as Thunderbolt, promises of fast transfer speed twice as USB 3.0.

However it does not reach its maximum theoretical why Intel chose to use cables copper instead of fibre optic cables.

The company stated that it would gradually switch to higher speeds over time.

Apple will become the first manufacturer to use Thunderbolt, on his Macbook Pro.

The company of Cupertino is said to have been an important factor of development, although it remains to be seen as can other manufacturers will adopt the new standard.

Light peak

Intel has been working on the technology for several years.

It was first announced, under the codename peak light in 2009.

At launch, its top speed is limited to 10 gigabits per second-twice as fast as USB 3.0, but still much below the maximum theoretical using optical cables.

Continue reading the main story of all methods for connecting computer to external devices have a theoretical maximum speed of transfer dataUSB 2.0-480 Mb/secondFirewire Mb/800 800 secondUSB 3.0-4.8 Gb/10 Gb copper-secondThunderbolt/secondThunderbolt fibre channel-100 Gb/secondIntel claims that future versions will be able to reach 100 Gb/sec.

The data transfer rate may be welcomed by those consumers who use high definition video, said Sarah Rottman Epps, an analyst at Forrester Research.

"This is not an innovation that consumers have been asking for, but is the one who will appreciate," she said.

"Especially when transferring video, which is when [USB] begins to feel slow."

The system also promises to reduce the number of cables that a user has their computer configuration for the connection.

Is able to transport multiple types of signal at the same time, letting you power, display devices and use a single cable.

However, in the short term, users may need to invest in special adapters to connect their older devices Thunderbolt socket.

His arrival on the market of consumers also questions about the future of other standard connector, such as USB and Firewire.

Most high-profile supporter of Thunderbolt, Apple, should gradually move to a single connector, according to Karen Haslam, editor of Macworld UK.

"In the long run there will be no need for Apple to support these multiple formats with individual ports-existing products can run through an adaptor," he said.

Not everyone is convinced that Thunderbolt will become the standard.

Ian Chiu, Publisher of the site that told BBC News that the cost of components might put off some manufacturers.

"I don't know how Intel will Thunderbolt attractive for all other PC manufacturers," he said.

"HP, Sony, Dell, Acer, Asus make most of their money from low-end notebook and media-end.

"On the other hand, Apple Macbook Pro line-up has turned the prosumer, professionals and other persons who are not as price conscious," Mr Chiu said.

Alan Turing documents saved to the United Kingdom

February 25, 2011, Last updated at 04: 03 GMT Alan Turing is credited with a key role in breaking German wartime codes, that a last-minute donation from national heritage Memorial Fund has saved the cards of computer genius Alan Turing for the nation.

The collection of scientific papers and material on the work of Turing on codebreaking war was in danger of going abroad.

He was one of the founding fathers of modern computing and a key figure in breaking the German Enigma code.

Donation of £ 200,000 of the national heritage Memorial Fund, filled the gap.

The documents have been put up for auction last year and a campaign on the internet comes into action.

The objective was to save documents to the Museum at Bletchley Park in Buckinghamshire, where Turing worked breaking codes during the war.

Journalist Gareth Halfacree IT managed to raise £ 23,000 from public donations.

Continue reading the main story
despite its stature among the technical Community, I feel that the name Alan Turing is still not known "
Internet search firm corresponding order quote Rory Cellan Jones technology Google also pledged money but the money raised was £ 200,000 short of the seller's reserve price.

The Fund says that the cards will be valid as a permanent memorial to a man who has played a crucial role in the war.

Turing is famous for his work as a code-breaking at Bletchley Park during World War II, helping to create the car bomb that encrypted messages using the German Enigma cracker.

Committed suicide in 1954 at the age of 41, two years after being prosecuted for having intercourse with a man.

In 2009, thousands of people have signed a petition to Downing Street for a Government posthumous apology to Turing.

Turing Bombe machine is seen by many as the progenitor of the modern computer

The then Prime Minister Gordon Brown responded saying that he was sorry for how "terrible" Turing was treated for being gay.

Mr Halfacree, told the BBC: "these documents are extremely significant."

During the short life of Turing who published only 18 documents and Lilbelli of 15 of them, which have been given by Turing to his friend Professor Max Newman, are included in the collection.

Mr Halfacree said: "there are handwritten notes by Turing on them and one of them has his mother's signature on it."

Huawei Chinese invites U.S. probe

February 25, 2011, Last updated at 04: 45 GMT Huawei is one of the biggest indicators of Huawei network switching equipment, a Chinese telecom equipment maker, said it would welcome a formal investigation by the US authorities after a takeover bid was halted on security concerns.

Huawei made the call in an open letter on its website.

Last week, a U.S. Security Panel rejected the purchase Huawei 3Leaf systems American computer company.

Huawei was founded by former army officer-Chinese Ren Zhengfei, and there are concerns that still has military ties.


The company has played down any ties with the military or the Government of China.

In his letter, Huawei has said that "over the past 10 years, as we invest in the United States, we met a number of misperceptions."

It says that these allegations unfounded and unsubstantiated of close ties with the Chinese military, disputes over intellectual property rights, accusations of financial support from the Chinese Government and threats to national security of the United States.

"We sincerely hope that the Government of the United States of America will make a formal inquiry on any problems that it can have on Huawei," the company said in the letter.

Deal blocked

Huawei, which also has had previous offers U.S. blocked on security issues, purchased in May 2010 3Leaf for $ 2 million (£ 1.2 m).

However, an examination by the Committee of foreign investment in the United States said that the deal should move forward.