Sunday, February 27, 2011

White iPhone 4 for the price of £ 920 from Expansys, then removed

HomeNewsWhite IPhone 4 for the price of £ 920 from Expansys, then RemovedPosted from Bunker Adam on Fri, February 25, 2011

...As it will cost?

The legendary White iPhone 4, which some say only grows on the South side of the mountain-specific, others say fall from space when the weather is right, and some argue it's just a figment of your imagination, Expansys has cropped up.

White version of the current generation of Apple iPhone turned up yesterday to pre-order for a 920 £ absolutely huge. This news has exploded on the web last night, which resulted in the online store to change its price for the most realistic "announced".

Initial price enough where this came from, why it is cropped or – because it has been speculated the iPhone 5 June – that really takes care of all that much, but in both cases, isn't commenting on Expansys.

Anyone still in the company for the white iPhone 4 is welcome to let us know why on T3 Twitter feeds.

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