Sunday, February 20, 2011

Apple spells out Verizon, AT & T IPhone differences

We already know that the CDMA (Verizon) and iPhones GSM (AT&T and international) are ever-so-slightly different physically and internally-but just how different are the two iPhones in terms of actual use, the real world?

Wednesday, Apple has posted a new document support with the iPhone catchy title: understand the features of the phone. As it turns out, several features rather trivial phone works differently, depending on whether you are using an iPhone GSM or CDMA one.

GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) and CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) are two competing cellular network standard. In the United States both Verizon and Sprint largely use CDMA based networks, with AT&T and T-Mobile use GSM. Internationally, the GSM is much more mundane, visible only with CDMA uses a handful of countries.

Because the two different network protocols, some calling features are activated differently on two phones. On an iPhone GSM, to activate call forwarding, call waiting and caller ID or out, open the application settings, tap the phone and then adjust the appropriate control. Change these settings themselves on a CDMA phone, however, requires special dialing codes-* 72 * 70, * 67, respectively. And to disable call waiting or caller ID (outbound), you need to dial these codes are unique for every time you make a call.

New Apple document also highlights the differences between how the two phones handle Conference calls. IPhone GSM can support up to five simultaneous calls, while CDMA iPhones top off two simultaneous calls. The document also directs the CDMA iPhone owners for the iPhone User Guide, which sets out additional limitations in the implementation of CDMA of Conference calls: calls cannot be merged if the second call is coming, and you cannot switch between calls if the second call was outgoing — although, in this case, you can merge the calls. And on CDMA iPhones, if at the end the second call or the call together, both calls are terminated. These limitations of the Conference call are endemic to all mobile phones CDMA Verizon, not just the iPhone.

Another difference highlighted in the document knowledge base of Apple is the way to manage the two phones pause-a feature that might be necessary if, for example, are the composition in an automated phone system. Soft breaks work identically: tap and hold the * (asterisk) while its composition; When you change the number of a contact, you tap the + key # and then pause. But if you want to call a hard pause-one where the remaining digits are not made until you select Dial a second option only long-yours is an iPhone GSM CDMA, because iPhones don't support tough breaks at all. To activate the pause lasts about a CDMA iPhone, hold, or tap dialing submited that + * button and then choose standby when you change the number of the contact.

If you like putting callers on hold-instead of simply muting the end of the call-you need an iPhone GSM. (Tap and hold down the Mute button on the screen while on a call to trigger Hold). CDMA networks do not support this functionality.

Apple also recognizes that CDMA iPhones in the document may have problems in some cases, when you try to dial phone numbers that contain alphabetic characters if they exceed the limit of ten digits, normal. The only solution is to manually edit the numbers as needed.

So why all these differences? As Verizon once advertised, "is the network." While the two network technologies to achieve the same end result — that is, make your phone work-they do it in ways quite different behind the scenes. Networks CDMA packet data calls-your voice and your Internet usage-very different from GSM phones. These differences caller, very similar to the fact that CDMA phones do not support the use of data simultaneously while on the phone, simply are related to differences in the composition of networks themselves fundamental techniques.

If these differences caller should influence your decision about whether to go with AT&T or Verizon for your next iPhone is ultimately a personal decision. Of course, if you're already accustomed to the limitations of a network, you don't need to worry about using iPhone on it; differences in which Apple describes the new document are really true for all phones to Verizon and AT&T, not just the iPhone. If you are considering a network switch, make sure you don't miss a feature that you rely on, like 5-way Conference calls.

Presumably, neither Apple nor its customers-and probably not even Verizon-I'm happy with some of the limitations of CDMA networks. It is difficult to say which of these three entities-Apple, Verizon or consumers-is more eager to Verizon upgrade for next-generation LTE standard, which should eliminate most of these frustrations.

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