Wednesday, February 16, 2011

5 safety tips for iPad

1. Encrypt, encrypt, encrypt. There are two parts to the challenge of data encryption-encryption of stored data and data encryption that is moving over public networks, says security expert Brian Reed, vice President of products at the BoxTone mobile security provider. SSL encryption on iPad is a fast and convenient way to secure data in motion. "With data at rest, we want to ensure that data is encrypted and protected, but you also want to be able to wipe it remotely, if possible," he added.

[iPad storm the enterprise tech priorities 2011 |: find a place for iPad]

2. centralize the management. IOS Apple 4 allows IPAD can be managed centrally. Companies can set security policy, block or devices are lost or stolen, clean and even create your own catalogs of app, Reed says. Stories about how Apple devices don't play well with corporate departments go back a year, he adds. "What we're seeing now and the reason why this is heating up, is that the management of the built-in features in iOS," she says. "We're seeing the floodgates open for iPad in the enterprise."

3. Isolate personal and company data. Since iPad is a device for consumers, many users are going to want to use it for personal e-mail, reading, shopping online or games. This could be a problem in certain regulated industries such as financial and medical sectors, where sensitive financial data, or medical records must be kept isolated. To keep the regulators happy, employees can carry two devices-one for work and one for personal use. Or they can logically isolate the corporate environment from the environment staff on the same device, Reed says. This would allow employees to bring their personal devices to work. When the employee leaves the company, should be deleted only in corporate environment. "With an employee-owned iPad, I can do a selective deletion and leave all personal data in place-a personal account of iTunes and angry birds," says Reed.

4. Via email through our servers. Out of the box, iPad is designed to work with e-mail services, but can also be configured to only work with corporate email systems-or have access to both on the same device. "The great thing is that you can force all e-mails are routed through your server and have compliance and archiving on the e-mail server," says Reed.

5. authentication and authorization. Companies are accustomed to having a second factor authentication to desktops and laptops-digital certificates, one-time passcodes, smart card readers. "But on a mobile device, is often just a login with your ID and password," says Jeff Kalwerisky, Chief Security Evangelist for Alpha Software. But many systems of two factors can work on as well as iPad, he added. These include the one-time password devices RSA or VeriSign, or confirmation messages to a separate cell phone. "The phone is a second factor very smart," says Kalwerisky. "If someone stole your iPad, but don't have the phone, they would not be able to log in. And it is a mobile phone-everybody's got one. "

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